English follows Japanese.



もともとGIFTS (Global Interactive Forum on Traffic and Safety)は、我々IATSSが、40周年を迎えた10年前に、理想的な交通社会を目指した議論を深め、さらにその議論を国際的に発信していくためのプラットフォームとしてスタートしました。そのGIFTSは、今回、第10回の節目を迎えます。

第1回のGIFTSでは”Diverse, Regionally-Rooted Transport Cultures”というテーマを掲げました。安心安全な交通社会に向けた施策を実施していくためには、それぞれの国や地域に根差した文化を勘案して進める必要があると考えたのです。このような考えの下、過去9回のGIFTSでは、交通文化というキーワードをテーマに掲げて議論を深めてきました。その中で、交通文化の定義を整理し、道路利用者の行動と、交通安全に関わる人や組織の活動を探り、世界各国が共同して交通事故削減に向かうことを目指して、議論を深めてきました。今回の第10回のGIFTSは、その議論の集大成の位置づけであり、さらにこの先に、モビリティを通じてウェルビーイングを高めていくために私たちが何をしていくべきかを議論するスターティングポイントだと考えています。

Purpose of the Symposium

Theme: Creating a Traffic Culture for a Safer Society

The Global Interactive Forum on Traffic and Safety (GIFTS) was launched 10 years ago on the 40th anniversary of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS), as a platform to strengthen discussions on the ideal traffic society and further disseminate these discussions internationally. This symposium will celebrate the milestone of the 10th session of GIFTS.

The theme of the first GIFTS was “Diverse, Regionally-Rooted Transport Cultures." It is necessary to consider the culture rooted in each country and region to ensure a safe and secure transportation society. Considering this, we have strengthened our discussions at the previous nine GIFTS sessions by focusing on the keyword “transportation culture." In doing so, we have refined our definition of traffic culture, explored road user behavior and the activities of people and organizations involved in road safety, and strengthened our discussions for joint efforts by countries worldwide, to reduce traffic accidents. This 10th GIFTS is positioned as the culmination of these discussions and a commencement of further discussions on the actions required to enhance wellbeing through mobility in the future.
This year's GIFTS will feature two discussions. The first half of the panel discussion will discuss the type of research, road safety measures, and policies required in regions worldwide for a safe and secure mobility society, based on country fact survey data. The second half of the workshop will discuss issues and solutions for social implementation in the international community; this will link the discussions based on scientific findings, conducted in the first half of the workshop, to concrete policy development in countries worldwide. Moreover, through these discussions, we would like to gather insights for IATSS's future prospects.
As aforementioned, the GIFTS discussions will be the culmination of the past 10 years and the commencement of discussions for the next 10 years. It is expected that the GIFTS platform will evolve to consider the actions required to be taken in the field of mobility in building a sustainable society, and that it will become a forum for international communication targeting the next decade.

■日時 / Date
Dec.7 (Sat), 2024 Time: 9:30~17:10 (JST)

■会場 / Venue
東京都中央区京橋三丁目1-1 東京スクエアガーデン5F
Tokyo Convention Hall
TOKYO SQUARE GARDEN 5F, 3-1-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8340, Japan
Access Map

For more information on how to register, please check the below file.
参加登録方法 / How to Register

■問い合わせ先 / Contact
第10回国際フォーラムGIFTS2024 運営事務局
〒108-0073 東京都港区三田3-13-12 三田MTビル8階
TEL: 03-6369-9993 FAX: 03-3453-1256
運営事務局 Email: gifts2024@issjp.com

The 10th GIFTS Secretariat
c/o ISS, Inc., Mita MT Bldg. 8F,
3-13-12 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073
TEL: +81-(0)3-6369-9993 FAX: +81-(0)3-3453-1256
Email: gifts2024@issjp.com

プログラム / Program

プログラム / Program