Input Check Complete Virtual Tour of Tokyo 2025 Survey Dear Valued Participant,Thank you for joining us for our online event. We hope you found it both informative and enjoyable.We kindly request your participation in our event survey. By sharing your feedback, you will be entered into a draw for a chance to win an exclusive gift.Please complete the survey.Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via email at: Tokyo Tourism Connection Office Secretariat you once again for your participation and support.Warm regards,Tokyo Tourism Connection Office Secretariat 1. Please enter your company name. Required 2. Please select your industry, or the closest listed option. Required **Multiple answers allowed ①Tour Operator/Land Operator/Wholesaler ②Tailor Made/Private Travel Company ③Retailor/Travel Agent ④OTA ⑤MICE 3. Please specify how many times you have visited Japan, including fam trips and personal trips. Required Visited Tokyo (1-5 times) Visited Tokyo (6-10 times) Visited Tokyo (11 or more times) No visits to Tokyo 4. How satisfied were you with the online-event content? Required Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Unsatisfied 5. Please give your reasons for your response to the previous question (question 4). 6. Has this event enhanced your interest in developing and selling travel packages to Tokyo and Japan? Required Significantly increased interest Slightly increased interest No significant change No change at all 7. Please give your reasons for your response to the previous question (question 6). 8. Was this online-event useful for planning itineraries for Tokyo? Required Very useful Useful Not particularly useful Not at all useful Other 9. Please give your reasons for your response to the previous question (question 8). 10. When do you think you will next develop a travel product visiting Tokyo? Required **Multiple answers allowed Spring-summer 2025 Autumn-winter 2025 Spring-summer 2026 Autumn-winter 2026 Unsure 11. Please select all the spots you would like to consider including, in the intinerary for your Tokyo travel products. Required **Multiple answers allowed Tokyo Islands Chill Out ) Pothole Tokyo Islands Chill Out ) Sueyoshi Hot Spring Miharashi-no-yu Tokyo Islands Chill Out ) Sakashita Shuzo Tokyo Islands Chill Out ) Ryo-zan-paku Tokyo Islands Chill Out ) Lido Park Resort Tokyo New Basic ) TOKYU PLAZA HARAJUKU "HARAKADO" Tokyo New Basic ) TORAYA GINZA Tokyo New Basic ) Asakusa View Hotel Annex Rokku Tokyo New Basic ) Kabuki hall 12. Please inform us if you require any additional information to consider creating travel products for the spots introduced. 13. What themes or areas related to Tokyo would motivate you to participate in future online events? 14. Have you used Tokyo Tourism Connection features other than viewing events? Required TOP What’s New Find a business operator Reason to choose Tokyo How to use None of the above options,but used Not used 15. Was "Tokyo Tourism Connection" easy to use? Required Very easy to use Easy to use Somewhat easy to use Difficult to use 16. Please give your reasons for your response to the previous question (question 15). Next